Home ddk NYT https://ift.tt/2wwdHAe Why make a virus more transmissible? To learn how to fight it. internal-essential BY CARL ZIMMER AND JAMES GORMAN https://ift.tt/2Sc2ekY June 21, 2021 at 12:12AM Dhaval kapadia June 20, 2021 Leave a Reply By BY CARL ZIMMER AND JAMES GORMAN from NYT Health https://ift.tt/3gFNzrO Tags: ddk NYT Previous Post https://ift.tt/2wwdHAe Review: ‘Evil’ Is Good and It’s Back for a Second Satanic Season Television This stylish exorcism procedural by Michelle and Robert King moves to Paramount+ for its next 13-episode run. BY MIKE HALE https://ift.tt/3xAprMJ June 21, 2021 at 12:18AM Next Post https://ift.tt/2wwdHAe Garcia and Yang campaign together for a second straight day. Elections That two leading candidates would appear together days before the vote underscored how ranked-choice voting has complicated the mayor’s race. BY MIHIR ZAVERI AND MICHAEL GOLD https://ift.tt/2TNkyBA June 21, 2021 at 12:01AM Dhaval kapadia Related Postshttps://ift.tt/2wwdHAe First American Woman to Walk in Space Reaches Deepest Spot in the Ocean Oceans and Seas, Submarines and Submersibles, Space and Astronomy The astronaut Kathy Sullivan, 68, is now also the first woman to reach the Challenger Deep, about seven miles below the ocean’s surface. BY HEATHER MURPHY https://ift.tt/3hi3NWq June 9, 2020 at 05:31AM By BY HEATHER MURPHY from NYT Science https://ift.tt/2zjfKde … Read Morehttps://ift.tt/2wwdHAe Despite Recession, Stock Markets Turn Positive for the Year United States Economy, Nasdaq Composite Index, Recession and Depression, Stocks and Bonds, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Standard & Poor's 500-Stock Index The S&P 500 climbed back above where it began the year on the same day that economists said the United States fell into a recession in February. BY MATT PHILLIPS https://ift.tt/2Aj4n5k June 9, 2020 at 04:53AM By BY MATT PHILLIPS from NYT Business https://ift.tt/30lZx1Z … Read Morehttps://ift.tt/2wwdHAe Senate Moves Toward Preserving Public Lands, and Political Careers Law and Legislation, United States Politics and Government, Land Use Policies, Elections, Senate, Conservation of Resources, National Parks, Monuments and Seashores, Parks and Other Recreation Areas Despite some resistance within their ranks, Republicans are pushing a popular public lands bill that could help endangered colleagues, with an eye toward protecting their majority in November. BY CARL HULSE https://ift.tt/30l3fsz June 9, 2020 at 04:57AM By BY CARL HULSE from NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/2MIWKbb … Read Morehttps://ift.tt/2wwdHAe Bon Appétit Editor Adam Rapoport Resigns Food, Race and Ethnicity, Social Media, Appointments and Executive Changes The move comes hours after a photo of him dressed as a derogatory Puerto Rican stereotype resurfaced on social media, drawing condemnations from the staff. BY KIM SEVERSON https://ift.tt/2AOQP1t June 9, 2020 at 05:26AM By BY KIM SEVERSON from NYT Food https://ift.tt/3f5azgk … Read Morehttps://ift.tt/2wwdHAe ‘Get Rid of Them’: A Statue Falls as Britain Confronts Its Racist History Demonstrations, Protests and Riots, Monuments and Memorials (Structures), George Floyd Protests (2020), Slavery (Historical), Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings When demonstrators dumped the monument to a slave trader into Bristol Harbor, they galvanized a debate that echoes conversations happening in the American South about statues of Confederate generals. BY MARK LANDLER https://ift.tt/30m3T9j June 9, 2020 at 05:30AM By BY MARK LANDLER from NYT World https://ift.tt/30mkfi5 … Read Morehttps://ift.tt/2wwdHAe In Houston, Thousands Wait in the Heat to Pay Respects to George Floyd Funerals and Memorials, George Floyd Protests (2020) People lined up for hours to view the body of a man who died in police custody in Minneapolis — a man who was one of them in so many ways. BY MANNY FERNANDEZ https://ift.tt/2YlrGDU June 9, 2020 at 05:07AM By BY MANNY FERNANDEZ from NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/30yCIsb … Read More